Tuesday, June 14, 2005

HPCS languages

I am attending VEE and PLDI - two somewhat related conferences in Chicago. I attended quite a few presentations and talked to a ton of people. One thing I found out is that now more information about the languages designed for HPCS (High Productivity Computing Systems) is available. HPCS is a project sponsored by DARPA. I had heard of HPCS before but I didn't realize until now that recently more and more information has been made public about three new programming languages developed for HPCS. These three languages are Fortress (developed by Sun), X10 (IBM) and Chapel (Cray). I did a quick search online and here are a few links to presentations and documentation about these languages. I had no time to read any of this yet but in the day or two since I did this search I was asked by many people at the conference about this links, so I thought that even though I have nothing to do with HPCS, I will put these links in a single place, so that others can find it without much effort.

I've had problems accessing this web site but apparently there are also slides about HPCS languages at the Language Runtimes 2004 site.

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